WildernessDadlete started as slogan/hashtag I created while hiking in the Sierra Nevada Mountains shed hunting with my wife and two young sons. Some friends of mine and I had all signed up for
Nevada’s first ever Train To Hunt Challenge. After seeing the social media posts of these great athletes training, I decided to post a picture of how I was training on that particular day. Thus #Wildernessdadlete was born.
Over the past several years I had been noticing a trend of men and women using fitness to be able to get the most out of their outdoor adventures. After spending time with amazing outdoor enthusiasts that have become friends, I started to focus on how I could get the most out of my outdoor adventure. Along the journey I have received support from many people. With a rotating schedule, family and other commitments, I am not following traditional workouts in a gym. Not that there are not some great ones out there, but I hunt outdoors; therefore I enjoy training outdoors as well.
I am not an elite backcountry athlete. I still have a long way to go. I created this blog to share my experiences and love of the outdoors with you. Thank you for taking the time to visit. Please continue to check back as this blog grows and evolves! Thank you. Use the Contact Us page to tell me what I am doing right or what I can improve on.